Snowy Days and the Snow Queen


It was all white and cool blue out on the lake Monday morning, as winter appeared. The most visually-interesting thing I did this week was cool and blue as well. I was asked to take production stills for “The Snow Queen” – a musical produced at the Village Playhouse. The credits for this lovely production go to:

November Theatre’s “The Snow Queen”
Book by Jim Henry & Jacqueline Lopez
© 2009 November Theatre
Music by Howard Baer
Lyrics by Jacqueline Lopez & Howard Baer
© 2009 BaerTracs Music

And a host of other hard-working folks.

I’ve chosen a few of the images I found striking to share here as this week’s visual offering. The photo above is the amazing Jacquie Lopez as the Queen herself.

Here are the two main child actors in front of video projections created by Harold.


The faeries wore silk wings, beautifully hand-painted.


And here are the flowers. I took a special interest in seeing them onstage. Because the other role I had in the pageant was Maker of the Flowers. We took a little video so we could see how they looked in motion. I was hoping they would ‘flutter’ as flowers should do.

Well, they sort of flutter. I had big fun making those flowers. I wrestled womanfully with glue gun, six paper umbrellas from Chinatown and reams of colourful lining material. A regular Martha Stewart moment. I was going to put detailed instructions for “How to make your own Flower Umbrella” in today’s entry (since a goal I have for the Journal is to make it useful). Till I thought about how little demand and need there is for flower umbrellas in the world. (You know how you can get too close to a project?) So let’s just have a nice close-up of them and call it done: A Joyful Project Much Enjoyed. Thanks for the assignment, Jacquie.


See you next week.0

One Response to “Snowy Days and the Snow Queen”

  1. jesse Says:



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